For help, common questions, specific information, or just to find out more about Protron Mikrotechnik, feel free to contact us:

Protron Mikrotechnik GmbH
Universitätsallee 5
28359 Bremen, Germany
Phone +49-421-2234818
Company Information
CEOs: Dr. Ralf Höper, Andreas Menz
VAT ID no. DE 202709003
Trade register no. HRB 18857
Customs EORI No. DE5310814
Quality management system: ISO 9001:2015, certificate no. 16110 of QS Zürich AG
Data Privacy
You can visit our website without providing any personal information. We only store access data without personal reference, such as the name of your internet service provider, the page from which you visit us or the name of the requested file. This data is used exclusively to improve our services and does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about your person. If you contact us by email or in person, we will only store your data to the extent that this is necessary for business purposes and permissible within the framework of the German Federal Data Protection Act (EU-DSGVO).